French revolutionary calendar calculator
French revolutionary calendar calculator

french revolutionary calendar calculator french revolutionary calendar calculator
  1. #French revolutionary calendar calculator update#
  2. #French revolutionary calendar calculator android#

By default, the color of the calendar display is different for each month. Option to choose the color of the calendar display.Option to display the date as notification. The French Republican Calendar (French: calendrier républicain français), also commonly called the French Revolutionary Calendar (calendrier révolutionnaire français) was a calendar created and implemented during the French Revolution, and used by the French government for about 12 years from late 1793 to 1805, and for 18 days by the Paris Commune in 1871.Option to choose whether the decimal time, or "day of the year" is displayed. First published in YR 190 (1982 AD), this reproduction of the unusual calendar introduced by the French Revolution won awards for the graphics by David Lindroth.Calculation method: method used to determine the first day of the year: Based on the autumn equinox, the Romme method, or the von Mädler method (128-year rule).For your information, the French word for a ten-year period is décennie. made worse by the need to calculate in twelfths, sixteenths or other. This French word is not the translation of the English word 'decade' (ten-year period).

#French revolutionary calendar calculator update#

  • Update frequency: every minute, or once a day. Before the Revolution in 1789, France, like most European countries, used weights.
  • The widget supports the following preferences: calculation that determined the date of Easter, attributing saints to the days. Widget which displays the current date and time in the French Revolutionary calendar. The French Republican calendar in particular tried to do what no other.

    #French revolutionary calendar calculator android#

    French Revolutionary Calendar Android Widget

    French revolutionary calendar calculator